Monday, November 12, 2007


Sleeping Beauty turned 6 months old today. I can't believe what a big girl she is! Sometimes I miss my little (okay, weighing 8 lbs 13 oz at birth, she was never little), snugly baby, but in all honesty, this stage of babyhood is my absolute favorite. I love seeing the changes that occur in my baby daily, and I love how interactive she is now.

It seems like she's grown up so much overnight.

Okay. Not overnight, but definitely in the last two weeks:

*Two weeks ago she finally mastered sitting up.

*One week ago she started eating rice cereal.

*Three days ago Cinderella made her laugh and laugh, just by throwing a ball around.

*Two days ago she had her first big-girl bath.

*Today, she's 6 months old.

That's a lot of milestones to have met in the last two weeks!

Where has the time gone?

The scariest thing to me about Sleeping Beauty being 6 months old is that Prince Charming and I have started contemplating Baby Number 3.

What are we thinking? Sleeping Beauty is still a baby!


But not for much longer.

Six more months and she graduates to toddlerhood.

It all goes way too fast.

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