Monday, September 10, 2007

Learning Trust

Cinderella is a very well-behaved three-and-a-half year old...usually. She's incredibly trustworthy and honest.

This morning solidified my trust in her even more.

Sleeping Beauty woke up much earlier than usual; as a consequence, she was very grumpy and, at one point, inconsolable.

Cinderella was amazing! She's been waiting anxiously all morning for her first day of ballet lessons. She has a limited concept of time, so being told she has to wait three hours is torture. Fortunately, she has consoled herself and is busy playing.

Despite her impatience to go to ballet, she has been remarkably understanding and patient with me while I was trying to get Sleeping Beauty to go to sleep.

Usually, when she's impatient, Cinderella gets whiny and clingy; this morning, however, I could trust her completely to entertain herself and give her sister the peace she needed to calm down and go to sleep.

Sleeping Beauty is finally sleeping peacefully, and Cinderella can have some of my attention, if she can tear herself away from her play.

This morning, I'm glad I'm not the Queen. Queens have difficult times trusting those around them (usually for good reasons). Today, I don't have this problem; today, I have complete faith in my daughter.

We'll see what tomorrow brings...

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