Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Legend of the Hose

In a certain house in a certain town, there is a legend, the Legend of the Hose.

It all began one day 4 or 5 years ago when the Daddy was taking a break from his parenting duties to take care of business. He stood there, silently, letting nature take it course when he was shockingly interrupted. There, out of the blue, clinging to his leg lovingly and pointing determinedly was his little girl.

The little girl asked, innocently, "Daddy, what's that?"

The Daddy answered unthinkingly and hurriedly, "That's my hose!"

Fast forward a couple of years, and the little girl's parents brought home a new baby sister.

The little girl was, of course, enraptured with her little sister. She was fascinated by all parts of having a sibling: feeding, clothing, bathing, and, of course, changing.

During one of the baby sister's very first diaper changes, the little girl pointed and asked nonchalantly, "Where is her hose?"

The Mommy, a pro by this time, answered, "She doesn't have a hose; she's a girl."

"But, Daddy has a hose."

"Daddy is a boy."

"Oh. When I grow up, I'm going to have a hose."

"No, Honey, you won't have a hose when you grow up. You're a girl."


Fast forward 18 months, and the little girl's parents brought home yet another baby, this one a boy.

The little girl was, of course, enraptured with her little brother. She was fascinated by all parts of having another sibling: feeding, clothing, changing, and, of course, bathing.

During one of the baby brother's very first bathtub baths, the little girl pointed and asked nonchalantly, "What's that?"

The Mommy answered, "That is his hose."

"Oh. I don't have a hose. My little sister doesn't have a hose."

"That's because you're a girl."

"I know."

Fast forward 17 months, and the little girl's Daddy was bathing the little brother.

The little girl came in to watch, naturally, and after a few moments of quiet reflection asked the Daddy, "Why is his hose so small?"

The Daddy answered, "Because your brother is still little."

"When he gets bigger his hose will get big, like yours."

"Uh, yep."

And thus continues the Legend of the Hose.


  1. Okay, let me take a minute to get up off the floor and wipe my eyes. THAT was great.

    I have 3 boys (9, 7, and 4) and once when my youngest (I think he was 2 at the time) was meandering through the bathroom while Mom was in the tub with her head underwater -- AKA, the only actual quiet place in the house-- (and Mom also thought this guy was asleep in bed, seeing that it was 11 at night). He peered over in the tub and asked very worried and conspiratorially, "Mama, where's your weiner?" As in, "OhmyGeorge, something happened to yours, but don't worry, since we're friends, I won't tell." And then he asked me if it had been "broked off." And months later, he brought it back up about 30 minutes before Sunday School one morning. Eek.

    Oh my. Note to self: Get a bathroom lock.

  2. Ha ha ha ha ha! Love it! I wonder if it will live on until they get married... ;)


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