Thursday, July 9, 2009

Aloha Friday #90

I, obviously, burn easily. And I've had some doozies, let me tell you.

So, what is the worst place on your body you've ever burned?

For more questions you know you want to answer, visit An Island Life.


  1. my arms. i actually blistered them once. not an experience I care to repeat.

  2. I had a whole body burn when I was 23-24. It was cloudy and I didn't know that's worse than the sun shining brightly! Ow-E!!!!

  3. the day before i was returning home from hawaii, i burned pretty badly on my whole backside - back and legs. it was so painful and made the 7 hour trip home completely miserable.

  4. My eye..When I was little I walked into a cigarette.

  5. My ears. It was really strange and only happened once but I can't forget it.

  6. My face, especially my nose. I will get so red if in the sun too long..I look like Rudolph's relative. Seriously.

  7. My shoulders...oh my, they were on fire no matter what I put on them!!

  8. As a red head that burns badly, the worst place was across my shoulder blades. Every since move reminds you of the burn. I have been lucky and found good sun lotion that kept me burn free on our latest trip to Disney World in May.

  9. I burn badly everywhere. I'm really fair skinned and blister. The worst however was when I thought I would give fake tanning a try. Nude. My boobs and rear end was so hurt to do ANYTHING!

  10. My back, 7th grade. Burned so badly that I actually threw up (in front of the whole track team, thankyouverymuch). I had blisters for a week, then peeled for two. Get thee to some aloe vera, dear!

  11. I have never burned much, but I burned once on my chest and it was bright red and hurt....I'll never let that happen again!

  12. My back. I fell asleep on a white sheet on the southern coast of Spain for a couple hours. Even with the sunblock I put on, I burned so badly I blistered. It was also the beginning of a 6 week backpacking trip, so not the best thing to do. I had the marks on my back for over 2 years.

  13. My nose. When I was about 16, I spent a week at my Uncle's cabin and I burnt my nose big time. It peeled for a week or more after.

  14. I once blistered on my face. It was when I was in high school and we were at the desert. I learned my lesson!

  15. I burn badly too but I hate when the part in my hair gets burnt.

  16. Sunburn on my face. It was bad for like two weeks!

  17. A couple of times I have had my face burn so bad that it swelled up and I looked like a monster. Awful Awful burns.

  18. hmm... I guess my shoulders. I don't really burn a whole lot.

  19. the part in my hair. the only place i didn't think to put sunscreen when i went to the Gorge. and of course it was 107 outside. my scalp actually blistered!! sooo gross.

  20. Will your comment section accept me today on a different computer???

    I once spent a few weeks putting in a sprinkler system in my parents lawn... bent over. I got a lovely burn on that half circle between where your shirt ends and your shorts begin... all the rest of me had sunscreen on it!


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