Monday, April 25, 2011

THAT Kind of Weekend

We had THAT kind of weekend this weekend.

You know, the kind where 2 out of 3 of your children have to have 3 baths in 36 hours...

where you stay up late only to have to get up early...

where you plan a brunch in which all of the invited guests back out at the last minute,

but the last-minute guests all come,

and you have a fabulous time getting to know new people...

where it's warm yet windy and overcast...

where the kids actually get along and share during the Easter egg hunt,

but start fighting and yelling afterwards...

where you still do pizza-and-a-movie even though it's Easter...

where this is as good as it gets:


  1. Heh. Funny, you have a way with words! And I think that last picture is adorable!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day! Happy Easter!


"Only a life lived for comments is a life worthwhile." Albert Einstein, modified. Okay. Not really, but comments sure are nice.