Monday, December 28, 2009

On the Fourth Day of Christmas

Tonight we will celebrate our third (and final!) Christmas.


It seems like the older I get, the longer the celebrations last.

And the older I get? The more it wears me out.

I'm exhausted!

So, what about you? How many times did you celebrate Christmas this year?


  1. We had three celebrations... one the weekend before Christmas, one Christmas Eve and one Christmas Day! It is so tiring, but so much fun. Hope you and your family have a Happy New Year!

  2. We had one on Christmas in Oregon and will have our second one with my parents tomorrow. I am ready for this holiday to be over... even if it means more work to clean up the decorations! ;)

  3. Wow...can it really be 2010....So glad I found your blog and look forward to many reads in 2010..Happy New Year..


"Only a life lived for comments is a life worthwhile." Albert Einstein, modified. Okay. Not really, but comments sure are nice.