In March, I switched out her 2T clothes for her 3T. She was then measuring a little smaller than her big sister E did at almost-three, and didn't need her 3T's as soon as E had needed them.
By August, her shirts barely covered her belly button. Her long pants high-watered. And although she finally potty trained over the summer (thank God!) and was wearing underwear instead of bulky diapers, the waistbands on her pants were pinching.
So, I broke out the 4T's.
4T clothes, people. In five months, the girl had grown an entire clothing size!!!
I know!
I ended up supplementing her winter wardrobe by buying her some new jeans in a size 4, not 4T. At the beginning of September, those size 4 jeans needed to be rolled up two inches at the hems.
Now? At the end of October? Those same size 4 jeans don't need to be rolled up at all!
C is so big! Too big! The middle child we thought would be our shorty?
Well, guess again!