We spent our first Christmas at home this year. We had told our families that we wouldn't be coming back over before we even found out we were pregnant again. Of course, when we knew we were expecting the Little Prince, it just solidified our decision.
Christmas with our families is always a very busy affair. It includes a minimum of four present-opening sessions, lots of driving, and an exhausted royal court by the time we come home.
We really wanted to simplify this year.
And we did.
Almost too much for our first Christmas at home.
Of course, there wasn't really anything else we could have added.
We had lots of snow, which is always nice.
The decorations were simple (we don't have many), the tree was a hand-me-down artificial (we had no money left in the budget for anything else), and it was just the five of us.
We went to church Christmas Eve where we spent most of our time wrangling bored kids in fluffy dresses (there was no children's church).
Christmas morning, the girls woke up around 7:30 (yay!) and everyone congregated in our bed.
The girls checked out what Santa had left in their stockings while I made breakfast. Then, we opened presents. Well, the girls opened presents. Prince Charming and I rarely exchange gifts. Instead, we just ordered a Wii Fit the other day.
The "Belle dress" was Cinderella's favorite, hands down.
Sleeping Beauty got a new pull toy. It's a dog. She didn't quite get it, though.
And The Little Prince? He slept through it all, smart boy.
That's it. That was our Christmas. No busyness, no driving, no family.
We saved all of that for New Year's. Stay tuned...
Wow...I wish they made that Bella dress in my size. It's adorable.