Cinderella was bottle-fed and tried solid foods at 4 months old.
Sleeping Beauty is breastfed; she is 5 months old and has yet to try solid food.
I am completely comfortable with nursing her in public.
I nurse/rock/sing Sleeping Beauty to sleep. I did the same with Cinderella, minus the nursing.
Cinderella sleeps just fine on her own now, thank you very much.
I co-slept with my girls for a few months after they were born.
Sleeping Beauty still naps in my bed.
I use paper diapers, preferably Pampers, but Kirkland is good, too.
I use commercial baby food, though I will make some of my own this time.
I try to limit TV time to one movie a week for Cinderella, ideally.
I went back to work 5 months after Cinderella was born; she came to work with me and a few ladies took turns watching her for me while I worked mornings. The next year I went back to work full time for 2 years.
Cinderella spent 2 years in full-time daycare in someone's home. She thrived in daycare!
I am currently homeschooling her for preschool.
She will go to a public school for kindergarten.
I taught Cinderella delayed gratification. Because of it, she can wait days for something promised to her.
I do NOT let my babies cry themselves to sleep. I can't do it. I couldn't with Cinderella and I don't even try with Sleeping Beauty (not that I let Cinderella do it for more than 10 minutes).
I wear my babies.
I am okay with hand-me-downs.
I immunize, but I don't do flu shots.
I try to avoid medicine for the girls, but have no problem using it.
I have used Benedryl on Cinderella while traveling, but only when she was sick.
I use household cleaners, but not when the girls are around.
I have overstressed the importance of being aware of dangers; because of this, I can completely trust Cinderella to be by herself, even in the front yard (don't worry; I don't leave her alone in the front yard, but I could). Despite this training, she is not timid; she is cautious.
I let Cinderella choose her own clothes for the day, even if that means pairing a purple Easter dress with striped pink tights.
I have no problem dressing Sleeping Beauty in blue.
I have no problem dressing my girls differently, though I'm not opposed to matching outfits.
I limit Cinderella's sugar intake and make her eat fruits and veggies.
I don't cater to Cinderella's food tastes. She eats what I eat, unless it's too spicy; only then will I make her something else to eat.
If she doesn't finish her dinner, she gets it for breakfast.
I use "time out" as a punishment, though I do spank on occasion (I threaten it more than I perform it, and I don't threaten it very often). No, I don't beat my child; it is done in love (threaten, question, perform, question again, hug/cuddle). I have spanked in anger before.
Cinderella plays with Barbies, and I'm okay with this.